There are two ways to watch the stars. To look just the way they are or to look as we want it to be.

Talking about astrology letโ€™s understand its fundamental idea. All zodiacs tell us nothing but the alignment of stars in a particular constellation on the day you were born. And believe that it influences our future and our fate.

A few decades ago, people believed that the motion of the stars determined the fate of kings and their dynasties, their wins and defeats. Well, astrologists studied these motions all this time and then would conclude โ€œWhat did happen last time when the โ€˜XYZโ€™ planet was rising in the constellation โ€˜ABCโ€™? maybe something similar would happen this time as wellโ€.

Well, now I say it was a subtle risky business. People got used to it because it sounds comforting to believe our defeat in advance rather than afterward watch misery.

Since then, astrology has been developed through observations, diagrams, biased thinking and fraud records.

Hence, astrology survived just because we humans started believing that there is a relation between the cosmic significance and routine of our daily lives. It basically pretends to satisfy the feeling of being personally connected with the universe.

The best quote that defines astrology is, โ€œIf our lives are controlled by a set of traffic signals in the sky, why try to change anything?โ€

We get few predictions when we are born but remember itโ€™s up to you to build your life however you want and ignore the things that pull you down.

The astrology column printed in every newspaper even today, does not tell your fate but it tell you what to do and steals your capability to make conscious decisions. Because open 2 or 3 newspapers of different publications and compare their astrology column, you would be amazed to see they all will tell different stories of the same zodiac sign.

Letโ€™s consider a case; there are twin sisters who were told they would have an accidental death at the age of 20. But in the coming years, at the age of 18 one of the sisters was no more due to brain-dead medical conditions but on the other hand, the other sister lived many years. So does the astrologer’s prediction make sense? Both were born together they had the same stars in the sky on the day of birth.

Hence I guess astrology cannot tell about the characteristics of the people about whom they know nothing except the time and place they were born. Also, how would a planet or a star rising in the sky would affect me now or even when I was born?

Well, a human shouldnโ€™t be trapped in the unknown boundaries defined by someone else and look up to the stars in a scientific way of exploration.

‘Astronomy’ on the other hand believes in observations and hearing what the universe got us to tell. To explore the secrets of the universe and cosmic expansion to benefit human life and their sustenance. chemical compositions of many planets, comets and stellar objects can tell us the origin of the universe and open the gates for future space travel.

In the end, I would like to conclude that believe in what can benefit you!

(Thoughts are inspired by the great scientist and astronomer ‘Carl Sagan- wishing him a Happy Birthday today! [10th November] )


  1. Rahul Avatar

    Great ๐Ÿ‘ keep it up ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  2. Akash Yadav Avatar
    Akash Yadav

    Absolutely amazing ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฉ.

  3.  Avatar

    Very good ๐Ÿ‘

  4. Gauri Avatar

    Thank you. Do share more and let’s spread more awareness.

  5. Arun Vharambale Avatar
    Arun Vharambale

    Very good so many ideas clear now. Great writing…

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